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Year R to Year 6 Timetable



The car park gates are open at 8:30-8:45am for you to drop your children off in your own time. Members of staff will be on the playground to welcome the children.


Class 1 currently finish at 3 pm. Class 2, 3 and 4 at 3.05pm. 

The Local Authority provides free transport for children living in the defined area of the school who do not live within walking distance. Walking distance is defined as up to two miles by the nearest route available for children under 8 years of age, and up to three miles for older children. If you would like your child to use the bus, please call into the school office.

The school has had a Travel Plan approved. This plan encourages using the school bus, car sharing.

For those parents who have no choice but to use the car, we would ask them to consider parking their cars in the village hall car park opposite the hall and then using the school bus. This will ease congestion in the school car park.


Children should not arrive at school early unless they are attending the Breakfast Club. The Club runs from 7:45am until 8:30am. There is a small charge for attendance at the Club. Please see further information below.

A member of staff is on duty from 8:30am. If it is necessary for your child to be at school earlier, please consult your child’s teacher.

The time spent on teaching during the normal week is 21.25 hours for Key Stage 1 and 22.5 hours for Key Stage 2, excluding the statutory daily act of worship, registration, breaks and lunch.





Hot meals are available every day. Children may also bring packed lunches to school and these are eaten in the hall under the supervision of lunchtime assistants and outside when the weather permits.

Children whose parents are in receipt of Income Support or Job Seekers Allowance – Income Based – are entitled to free school meals, applications for which should be made to Revenue & Benefits. Forms are available upon request from the school office or HERE.

All children are expected to go outside at playtime unless parents specifically request otherwise in writing (e.g. due to clearly stated medical reasons). Lunchtime supervisors are permanently on duty from 12pm to 1pm.


We offer a choice of hot and cold school lunches to pupils every day, weekly menus are displayed in the school hall. Our lunches are freshly prepared and cooked each day, using local produce as much as possible. Children in Reception and Years 1 and 2 are able to take advantage of the Government’s free meals initiative – please call into the office for a form. Lunches can of course be purchased at a cost of £2.20 per meal, payable in advance. Children can also bring a packed lunch to school.

Please ask at the school office for information and application forms for free school meals – this is a worthwhile benefit and is supplied with absolute discretion.


The school is involved in the ‘Herefordshire Healthy Schools Partnership’ aimed at promoting both physical and emotional health. Our school has achieved National Healthy Schools Status, and been awarded a certificate and a trophy recognising that we meet Healthy School criteria in emotional health, physical activity, healthy eating and PSHE.

We place strong emphasis on Values Education throughout the school. As a school we aim to give children the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead healthy lives, not just through what is taught but also through the school’s organisation and whole school environment. Healthy choices are promoted across the curriculum. Children participate in food technology days, science work about the human body and the environment and a variety of activities in PE, including swimming, dance and gymnastics. After-school activities continue the promotion of a healthy lifestyle through various sports clubs, and the school’s efforts have been recognised through the award of the nationally recognised Active Sports Mark.

We strongly discourage the eating of sweets and chocolate in school. If crisps or chocolate are bought, we suggest that they are eaten as part of lunch, rather than at morning break, when we hope all children will eat fruit or another healthy snack.

The school participates in the above scheme whereby children in Years R, 1 and 2 are entitled to a free piece of fruit each school day as part of the government’s campaign to encourage children to eat more healthily.

Milk is available each day for Reception and KS1 children

Water is available at school for you child to fill their bottle as required through the day.

We ask parents not to send fizzy drinks. Our aim as a healthy school is to encourage pupils to drink more water to aid concentration in the classroom, and water is always available.



If we have need to close the school at short notice due to adverse weather conditions, we always contact parents via text message.

Hereford and Worcester Radio usually display school closure information on their website, so perhaps you would like to make a note of their website address:

You can also go on to the school website homepage: and go to Latest News which will say whether school is open or closed. There will also be a rolling ticker at the top right hand side of the website.

Also, we hope that you take the time to enjoy the weather with your children – have fun and keep safe.



Breakfast club is provided by the school from 7:45am daily.   Once the children have had their breakfast, a range of games and activities are provided before children join other pupils in the playground from 8.30am.  If you would like to book your child into breakfast club, please do so via ParentPay - contact if you need help with this.  The cost of breakfast club is £4.25 daily.



We are able to offer an after school club, running from 3.15pm – 5.00pm during the term.  The club provides a snack and drink for the children upon arrival and activities and games are available for them to enjoy whilst at the club.  There are 2 sessions available to book via Arbor


Session 1; 3:15-4:30pm  at £5

Session 2: 4:30-5pm at £2


Please contact Anna Baldwin in the office if you require any further information or assistance with Arbor.

© 2021 by Canon Pyon Church of England Academy

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Canon Pyon CE Academy, Canon Pyon, Hereford, HR4 8PF.

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